Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 2: Plyometrics WHOA!!!

So today I did plyo, wasn't bad as the first time I did it. I didn't even finish that time. This go around, I took my time and did it at my own pace. I wasn't trying to be He-man and muscle through it but just did so as where I could finish. I don't think I've sweat like in a while. Even when I ran I didn't sweat has much has I did today. Another thing I did different was I turned the p90x cheesy music off and put Pandora on my surround sound. Just that only made it 10x better. As of now I feel extremely good. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Welcome to my blog... My name is Tony!!!! Here I will document my results from P90x. I've had this program probably since it was released but never stayed with over a week. I joined a gym instead. After cancelling my gym membership after a year I let my body go. Fast forward to now, here I am dedicating myself to p90x. Join me on my journey.